Are Spinel Gemstones Valuable?

Are Spinel Gemstones Valuable?

Spinel gemstones are becoming more valuable due to their rarity, quality, and skyrocketing demand from gemologists and investors. While historically overshadowed by more famous gemstones like rubies, emeralds, and sapphires and often mistaken for the likes, Spinel has gained significant recognition in recent years. In 2019, a spinel ring from Cartier sold for three times the expected price, and an imperial spinel necklace sold for more than $3 million at the Christie’s auction house. Spinel gemstones are gaining popularity as a gemstone of choice and valuable investment.

What Makes Spinel a Valuable Stone?

Several factors influence its value, including color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most prized Spinel gemstones exhibit vivid, intense colors with high levels of transparency and brilliance. While not as widely recognized as some other gemstones, high-quality Spinel can command impressive prices in the market.

Spinel’s durability, with a rating of 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, makes it an excellent choice for various jewelry applications. Its wide range of colors, from red, blue, and pink to purple, orange, and gray, adds to its desirability. Large, high-clarity, and rare colors such as cobalt blue—the rarest—fetch the highest prices per carat.

The Rarest Color of Spinel

The most valuable spinels are the rarest colors. Among the rarest and most valuable is the vibrant red Spinel. These stones are highly prized as they are comparable to rubies due to their similar hue. The most sought-after red Spinels are pure, vivid red without brown or orange overtones. Such stones are rarer than actual rubies. They can fetch high prices at auctions and in the gemstone market.

Considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world, the cobalt blue Spinel is characterized by its intense, pure blue color. It is highly prized for its rarity and beauty. Blue Spinel is naturally vivid and saturated and contains few inclusions. Unlike the more popular sapphires, blue Spinel is not treated to achieve its color and shine. This makes it particularly appealing to collectors and connoisseurs, driving up its value significantly.

Royal Spinel Gemstones Mistaken for Rubies

Throughout history, red Spinel gemstones were often mistaken for rubies due to their striking similarity. It was not until 1783 that Spinel was identified as a gemstone separate and distinct from rubies or sapphires (corundum). Some of the most famous examples of royal jewelry contain red Spinels that were originally thought to be rubies. One notable example is the Black Prince’s Ruby, which adorns the British Imperial State Crown. Despite its name, this gemstone is actually a large red Spinel.

Another famous Spinel is the Timur Ruby, a 361-carat gemstone that is also part of the British Crown Jewels. Like the Black Prince’s Ruby, the Timur Ruby was long believed to be a ruby but is, in fact, a red Spinel. These historical mix-ups highlight the beauty and value of Spinel, even when it was not correctly identified.

How to Tell if a Spinel is Real or Fake

Determining the authenticity of a Spinel gemstone involves several key factors and is important when protecting your investment. One of the first steps is to examine the gemstone’s color and clarity. Genuine Spinels typically exhibit a bright, vivid color and high levels of transparency. In contrast, synthetic or fake Spinels may have unnatural-looking colors or visible inclusions that reduce their clarity.

Professional gemological tests can provide definitive answers. Refractive index testing, for example, can help differentiate Spinel from other gemstones. Natural Spinels have a specific refractive index range that can be measured using specialized equipment. Additionally, fluorescence under ultraviolet light can offer clues, as natural Spinels often display distinct fluorescence patterns.

Natural Spinel gemstone in matrix under long wave UV light. Photo Credit: The Gem Museum of Singapore

Our certified gemologist provides detailed reports confirming the authenticity and quality of our Spinel gemstones, giving our buyers confidence in their purchase.

Make Your Own Custom Spinel Jewelry

Creating custom Spinel jewelry is a heartfelt and personal gift for a loved one or a meaningful gift for yourself. Whether it is for an August birthday, 22nd wedding anniversary, or a one-of-a-kind gift featuring the recipient’s favorite Spinel gemstone color. There’s no better way to honor someone special than to create jewelry as unique as they are. Shop our collection of loose Spinel gemstones to get started!

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